Writing Foundations Grades 1-2 Comparing Two Holidays

Comparing Two Holidays

Please pick one other holiday to compare with Christmas. Remember to use the Venn Diagram we started doing in class to help you think (You do NOT need to post the Venn Diagram here, though). Submit your essay here by replying to this post.

1st graders, your writing should be a three-paragraph essay about the differences between these holidays. Your paragraphs should look like the following:
1. Intro: Tell the readers what you are comparing and why. Should have at least 3 sentences.
2. Body: What are the same? What are different? Should have at least 9 sentences, with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a sum-up sentence.
3. Conclusion: Sum up your comparison with one or two sentences. Tell the readers how you feel about both holidays and which one you like best. Should have at least 3 sentences.

2nd and 3rd graders, your writing should be a FIVE-paragraph essay about the differences between these holidays. Your paragraphs should look like the following:
1. Intro: Tell the readers what you are comparing and why. Should have at least 3 sentences.
2. Body P1: What are the same? Should have at least 5 sentences, with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a sum-up sentence.
3. Body P2: What are the unique things about Christmas that the other holiday doesn’t have? Should have at least 5 sentences, with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a sum-up sentence.
4. Body P3: What are the unique things about the other holiday that Christmas doesn’t have? Should have at least 5 sentences, with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a sum-up sentence.
5. Conclusion: Sum up your comparison with one or two sentences. Tell the readers how you feel about both holidays and which one you like best. Should have at least 3 sentences.
For body paragraphs, if the above structure doesn’t work for you, you can also compare by category, like in the example, Body P1 origin, Body P2 food, Body P3 decoration, etc. (You can have your own categories and don’t have to be limited by the example I gave).

Please reply to this post by typing up your essay. Please keep your hand-written copy, too!
We will ask everyone to read your essay in our class session (next Sunday). You can choose to simply read your essay with expression or make a PPT presentation to tell what is in your essay.

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Sophia L
3 years ago

Christmas vs. Easter by Sophia Liu
Christmas and Easter have some similarities and many differences. They are both fun to celebrate.
Christmas and Easter are both a Christian holiday and are fun to celebrate with your own family.
Christmas is on December 25th every year. Easter is on the first Sunday following the first full moon. The date may vary each year.
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter celebrates the rebirth of Jesus Christ.
On Christmas, people eat turkey, potatoes, gravy, and pork.
On Easter, people eat jellybeans, chocolate eggs, and chocolate bunnies.
As you can see, there are many differences between Christmas and Easter such as the time, origin, and food.
Christmas and Easter are fun holidays. My favorite is Easter because there are Easter egg hunts on that holiday. Which is your favorite? Christmas or Easter?

Last edited 3 years ago by Sophia L
3 years ago

Christmas vs. Thanksgiving
By Yue Yue

Christmas and Thanksgiving are two popular holidays. They both have things that are similar to each other. However, they both have things that are different too!

Christmas and Thanksgiving are both fun and happy holidays. They both are at the end of the year. Many people love Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving and Christmas are both holidays for families to get together. They are both great holidays!

Thanksgiving is different from Christmas. Like Thanksgiving is in fall, Christmas is not. Thanksgiving you mostly eat turkey. When Thanksgiving comes, you usually get cards that say how thankful you are! And also, on Thanksgiving ,there are songs like the Indians and Pilgrim songs.

Christmas is in the winter, but Thanksgiving is not. Thanksgiving is not in the same month as Christmas. Christmas is in December while Thanksgiving is the forth Thursday of November. For Christmas many people put up Christmas trees and also decorations on their front porches. Santa Claus (or your parents) puts presents on Christmas eve under the tree so in the morning you can open then up. During the Christmas season there are songs like Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer, and Christmas Carols.

Both Christmas and Thanksgiving are beautiful special holidays. They are also very unique holidays. I like Christmas best because I can get presents! Which one do you like?

Last edited 3 years ago by Yue-Yue
Raycee Z
3 years ago

Christmas and Halloween

I like Christmas and Halloween. They are my favorite holidays. They are the holidays we celebrate in the US.

Christmas and Halloween are very different holidays. We don’t “trick or treat” on Christmas like we do on Halloween. We build snowman on Christmas but we rarely see snow on Halloween. We wear costume on Halloween, we dress up nice for Christmas. We enjoy beautiful autumn color leaves, but they are all gone on Christmas. We get a lot candy’s on Halloween, I love candy. We get presents on Christmas, Santa is the best. We share candy on Halloween, and we share presents on Christmas. Both holiday are good for me.

I love Christmas and Halloween. I feel so happy when we celebrate them. If you ask which one is my favorite, um…. I’m gonna say Christmas!

Emma W
Emma W
3 years ago

Christmas v.s Valentines day by emmawang
Christmas and Valentines day are both fun holidays. they are different and simliar, but they are nice
fun holidays. What day is christmas and valentines day?
Christmas is on December 25th and Valentines day is on Febuary 14th.

What are the deceratoins ?
In Christmas people have santa hat on there mailbox,red flowered welth on there door,a thing that has stuff in side that reflets it to your house and lights and chrismas tree valentines day has no deceratoins.

do we need to go to school?
On christmas you say home or go to vaction but on valentines day you go to school.

What do you get?
in christmas you get any presents but on valentines day some schools pass out stuff.

What you need?
on christmas you get ready cookies and milk on valentines day you get ready cards to pass out.

Christmas and vantines days are both fun holidays. My favoite is christmas becaus you get presents which one do you like?

Raymo Z
3 years ago

Christmas VS. Halloween

Christmas and Halloween are my favorite holidays. They are holidays we celebrate. They are different yet have some similarities.

Here are some reasons why they are my favorite holidays. We decorate Christmas tree and Christmas lighting on Christmas, we crave pumpkin lantern and put up spooky decorations on Halloween. We wear costumes on Halloween, we dress up for Christmas. We build snowman and play in the snow on Christmas, we go “trick or treat” on Halloween. We get candy’s on Halloween, and we get presents on Christmas. Candy and present both make me happy. Halloween is orange because everything is pumpkin flavor. Christmas is red and green, because Santa and elves wear red and green. I’m sure there are more reasons why I like Christmas and Halloween, but so far this is all I can tell.

Even I like candy and present both, but I love present and toy more. So my favorite holiday is Christmas. But if I get cool costume next year, my favorite holiday might change.

Evans X
3 years ago

Christmas and Halloween are important holidays that some places of the world celebrate. Christmas is on December 25th and Halloween is on October 31st.I like these holidays because many kids including me like these holidays. 

There are a lot of things Christmas and Halloween have in common. They both have a lot of decorations. They are both good holidays that people like to celebrate. Lots of people celebrate these holidays and lots of people are happy. A little bit of people do not celebrate Halloween and Christmas. Christmas and Halloween are not celebrated in china. Lots of people do celebrate Christmas and Halloween such as western cities and the USA celebrate Christmas and Halloween. Christmas and Halloween are all national holidays in western cities and in the USA. 

There are also a lot of things that are different about Christmas and Halloween. They both do not have the same style decorations. On Halloween people put up decorations that are super spooky. But in Christmas they have posters or signs of Santa and they have lights. And many people put up trees with ornaments and lights. The origin of Christmas is to mark Jesus Christ’s birth. And the origin of Halloween is about people tricking monsters or killing them and some people scare monsters away. On Christmas some people eat turkey like thanksgiving . And on Halloween we normally eat candy. 

Halloween is unique because it has some stuff that Christmas does not have. Christmas does not have lots of candy . But Halloween has lots of candy. On Halloween you can see spooky decorations but on Christmas you can not see spooky decorations. On Halloween you can dress However you want. But on Christmas you have to dress up normal. You can trick or treat on Halloween and people will give you candy. On Christmas you can not go trick or treating. 

I like Halloween the most because I can go trick or treating . And because you get candy. Christmas and Halloween are both good holidays.

Alex L
3 years ago

Christmas Vs Chinese New Year
By Alex Li

Today, I am going to share about Christmas Vs Chinese New Year! They are really fun to me. Do you want to hear some interesting facts about Christmas Vs Chinese New Year? Did you say yes? Okay, Let’s go!

The two holidays are similar in many different ways. First, they are both holidays in winter time. Second, we wear traditional clothes. Third, we celebrate with our families. Fourth, we all open presents, we have good food, and we have a lot of fun!

Christmas is spherical in many different ways. First, you get gifts from Santa Clause and you can wear Santa Clothes. Second, we decorate the Christmas tree. Third, we open presents on December 25th. It is a lot of fun.

Chinese New Year is special in many different ways too. First, we have dragons during the parade. Second, we eat dumplings. Third, we open red packets. It is either in January or February.

In conclusion, Christmas and Chinese New Year are really fun. My personal favorite is Christmas because we get gifts from Santa. What is your favorite?

3 years ago

Christmas vs Halloween. Jack

I am Comparing these holidays because it is hard and rarely compared. Christmas colors are red,white. Halloween’s colors are black,orange. They are same in 3 way’s they are both holidays, have special colors and are for fun. They are different in some way’s.

  1. in Halloween, people wear customs and trick or treat.And in Christmas people put up a Christmas tree.

In Christmas kids get presents .
In Halloween get scared and candies.
In Christmas people think of santa.
Which one do you like better, I like Christmas.

Eric Y
3 years ago

The difference between Christmas and Thanksgiving is that on Christmas you get presents and on Thanksgiving you don’t. And on Thanksgiving you eat certain food unlike Christmas, and their history is different. And meanwhile, Christmas is on the same date every year, while Thanksgiving is just on the last Thursday of November. On Christmas there might be snow, and on Thanksgiving there might not be any at all depending on the weather. On Christmas you set up decorations but on Thanksgiving you don’t.
On both Christmas and Thanksgiving you don’t have to go to school or work and everyone gets a break. But Thanksgiving break only lasts for one day, so you only have one day off, then for Christmas you have 3 weeks to rest from work or school. And on Thanksgiving and Christmas people both gather with family and relatives.

Alastair Z.
Alastair Z.
3 years ago

Christmas vs Halloween by Alastair
I like Christmas and Halloween, they are both fun holiday.
Halloween we can “trick or treat “.
Christmas we can get presents.
Halloween celebration is on October 31.
Christmas celebration is on December 24.
Halloween we carve pumpkins.
Christmas we decorate the tree
My favorite holiday is Christmas,Because Christmas we can build a snowman and play snow .which is you favorite holiday?

Helen G
3 years ago

Today I am going to explain to you Christmas and Hanukkah. These two holidays are celebrated all around the world. We celebrate them with friends and family. Let us get started.

They are much alike in both Christmas and Hanukkah. In both holidays, we get gifts. These winter holidays bring friends and family together. They also bring joy and laughs. They are so much fun.

In Hanukkah, the celebration lasts eight days. It could be in November or December. For the celebration, people have a candle holder called a menorah. On each day we will have gifts from our parents and friends. we also spin a dreidel to win cholate coins, nuts, and raisins.

Christmas is a little different. It only lasts one day. On Christmas, our gifts are from Santa also known as Father Christmas. Many people believe that Santa’s helpers are called Elves. Christmas celebrates Jesus Chris’s birthday! We sing songs like walking in a winter wonderland.

I think Christmas and Hanukkah are the best holidays ever! they are amazing, but if I had to choose one between these two, I would say Hannukhak is better.

Darren N
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Ally
Sophia L
Sophia L
3 years ago
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