Writing Foundations Grades 1-2 Enrich a Sketchy Story: A Day with Dad

Enrich a Sketchy Story: A Day with Dad

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Alex L
4 years ago

A Day with Dad

Today is Saturday. Sue’s mom has a meeting. So, Sue and Dad will spend the day together. Sue wonders what they will do.
“What shall we do, Dad?” Sue asked.
“Sorry, Sue, I have work to do. Maybe we can play after lunch?” Replied Dad.
“OK.” Said Sue.
First, Dad washes the dishes. “Can I help, Dad?” Asked Sue. “Sorry, Sue, maybe when you are taller.” Said Dad. Sue watches because she cannot reach. Dad used sponge to spread soap around the dishes, then he sprays the soap off with water.
Then, Dad cleans the blue rug. “Can I help, Dad?” Asked Sue. “Sorry, Sue, maybe when you are bigger.” Said Dad. Sue watches because the machine is too big. Dad pushes the vacuum cleaner back and forth across the blue rug.
After that, Dad washes dirty windows. “Can I help, Dad?” Asked Sue. “Sorry, Sue, maybe when you are older.” Said Dad. Sue watches because the windows are too high. Dad wipes the dirty windows with a wet towel.
By lunchtime, Das is worn out from working. Sue is worn out from watching. What can Sue do? Then, she has a great idea. Sue invites Dad to her room for lunch.
“Dad, would you like to come to my room for lunch?” Asked Sue.
“Yes, please.” Replied Dad.
Dad pulls the small purple chair out of the pink tea set table, and sits down. Dad can just fits on Sue’s little chair. And Sue can reach everything. It is the best lunch ever.

Helen G
4 years ago

Today is Saturday. Sue’s mom has a very long meeting, so Sue and dad will spend the day together. Sue asked “What will we do?” ‘Well we have to do the chores” answered dad. First dad washes the dirty dishes. Sue asked:” Can I help?” “when you are taller, my darling.” said dad. “I wish I was taller.” mumbled Sue. Then dad cleaned the blue rug. Sue looked at her dad “Can I help?” “You are a little too short.” So she watched.
After that, dad washes the dirty windows. This time Sue asked:” Am I still too short?” Dad said: “yeah, you are still too short.” Sue feeling sadder each time. By lunch time, dad is worn out of working and Sue is worn out of watching. What can she do? Then Sue got a great idea. “Hey, dad, do you want to come to my room for lunch?” Hopeing he will say yes. “Sure!” replied dad. Dad pulled out Sue’s little pink chair with stickers, he can just fit into Sue’s chair. And Sue can reach everything, she is happy. It’s a fun lunch. Will it happen again? wondered Sue.

Last edited 4 years ago by Helen G
Emma W
4 years ago

A day with dad
Today is satarday.Sue’s mom has a meeting t’ill 12:am Sue is courise ,Sue wonders what they might do.Sue asks what they will do without mom,dad say’s the house is diry we shoud clean the house,ok,says Sue says. first dad washes the driy dishes can I help you dad ,say’s Sue, ok says dad Sue can’t reach sorry Sue says dad you might get hurt if you fall off.Mabey you can watch me clean the dishes,oh man says Sue. then dad cleans the blue rug can Sue says I help this time because I can reach it.Sorry Sue but You need to vacum cleaner .dad is cleaning the windows Sue knows she can’t heip her dad wipe the window Sue starts weeping it’s ok Sue ,says dad I’m done cleaning yay shouts Sue . sue has an idea we can eat lunch in my little room great idea says dad you are pretty smart .thank you says sue Sue went inside the room and started cleaning her room,done says Sue when dad came in Sue’s room dad was suprised in Sue’s clean room dad pulles out a purple chair and sits down sue can reach everthing now sue wonders what they will do next time.

4 years ago

A Day with Dad

Today Sue’s mon was in an important meeting, which means that it was going to be a day with dad.

First dad said, “Let’s start with some work. What work do you want to do?”

“Can we wash the dishes?” Sue asked.

“Sure,” answered dad.

They walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Dad gave Sue a plate. Sue tried to reach the sink, but instead she accidentally spilled a bowl of soup that went in the sink with water pouring down.

“Why don’t you watch for now?” Dad asked.

“Okay,” sighed Sue. She was very sad. She really wanted to help. Sue felt like crying, but she held her tears. Finally, she could no longer hold back her tears. A tear started to run down her cheek. She wiped her tears with a tissue and sat up straight.

“It’s OK.” She told herself. As Dad washed the dirty dishes, She watched and firmly wishing the next thing they were going to do, she could do it, too.

Next, they decided to clean the carpet. She tried to push the big machine, but no matter how hard she tried to push, it never works. So, she watched. When dad is done, he saw Sue looking out the window. Then, he asked, “Would you like to help me wash the window?”

Sue smiled a bit, but she shook her head. “The window is too high for me.” She said. So, she watched. It’s almost lunch time when Dad was done. Sue was worn out from watching, and Dad was worn out from working.

“What can I do for both of us to be able to reach everything?” Sue wondered.

Then she knew what to do. She called her dad to have lunch in her room. Dad can fit in the chairs in Sue’s room. And Sue can reach everything! She liked lunch that day. And after lunch, they played. Everyone could reach everything! It was the best afternoon with Dad, even though the morning was not as fun.

Raycee Z
4 years ago

A day with dad.
Today is Saturday.  Sue’s mom has a meeting.  So Sue and dad will spend the day together. Sue wonders what they will do.
First, dad washes the dishes. Sue watches because she cannot reach.She felt sad, then dad cleans the blue rug. Sue watches because the machine is too big.After that, dad washes dirty windows. Dad you’s a ladder Sue watches because the windows. Are too high.
By lunchtime, dad is worn out from working. Sue is worn out from watching. What can she do  ?she think and thinks for a minute ? Then she has a great idea. Sue invites to her room for lunch. Dad can just fit on Sue’s little chair. Thank you said dad, no problem said sue. And sue can reach everything.It is the best lunch ever. Sue was super duper happy. Then mom was back from the meeting it was bedtime sue told her mom all about her day. the end.

Raymo Z
4 years ago

A Day with Dad. 
Today is Saturday.  Sue mom has a meeting.  So, Sue and Dad will spend the day together.  Sue wonders what they will do. 
First, Dad washes the dishes.  Sue watches because she cannot reach.  Then, Dad cleans the blue rug .  Sue watches because the machine is too big.  Sue said: It’s a bit boring “.  Dad said: It’s almost lunch time”. After that, Dad  washes dirty windows.  Sue watches because the windows are too high. 
By lunchtime, Dad is worn out from working. Sue is worn out from watching.  Sue said: I’m so tired’.  Dad said: me too”.  What can Sue do?  Then ,she has a great idea.  Sue invites Dad to her room for Lunch.  Sue said: let’s eat in my room.  Dad said: Ok.  Dad can just fit on Sue’s little chair.  And Sue can reach everything.  It is the best lunch ever. After lunch, Mom was back from the meeting .  When Sue saw Mom Sue yield: “Mom, your back.”  After Mom had lunch, they went to the market and bought five apples, one chunk of banana, some ice cream, eggs, milk and yogurt.  When they got home it was bedtime.

Evans X
4 years ago

A Day with Dad

Today is Saturday! Sue’s mom has a meeting. So, Sue and Dad will spend the day
together. Sue wonders what they will do.

First, Dad washes the dishes. Sue said: “Dad, can I help?” Dad said: “Sure, please pass the dishes to me!” Sue watches because she can not reach the sink. Then, Dad cleans the blue rug. Sue said: “Dad, can I help? “ Dad said: “ No, you are too small”. Sue watches because the machine is too big. After that, Dad washes dirty window. Sue
asked” Dad, can I help please?” Dad said:” Yes, can you please pass the window
wiper for me?” Sue watches because the windows are too high.

By lunchtime, Dad is worn out from working. Sue is worn out from watching. What
can Sue do? Then, she has a great idea. She invited Dad to her room for lunch. Sue
asked” What do you want for lunch, Dad?” Dad said” I want to eat toast.” Sue said”
Here you are!” Dad said “Thank you”. Dad pulls the chair out beneath the table, so
Dad can just fit on Sue’s little chair. Then they sit and eat lunch. And Sue can reach
everything. It is the best lunch ever.

After lunch, Sue said” Can we clean up the house?” Dad said “ Yes”. Once they clean
up the house, Mom come back home and notice the house is so clean. Mom said”
Good job, Sue and Dad!” Sue said: “ Today is a great day!”

Ella L
4 years ago

A Day with Dad
Today is Saturday which is normally Sue’s family fun day. But Sue’s mom has a meeting unexpectedly. Sue feels so disappointed. In the meantime, Sue and Dad will spend the day together. Sue wonders what they will do. She is trying to make some fun with Dad.
Sue’s mom just left for her meeting. She runs to Dad asked,” Dad, what are we going to do for fun?”
Dad thinks a while, “ En, I think we should do some chores together. When Mom get back home, she will be super happy with a clean house.”
Sue imagines Mom’s big smile on her face. So, she is excited to shake Dad’s hands, and says,” Yes, Dad! Let’s do it!”
Dad looks so serious to say,” How about we start with washing the dishes?”
Sue is hoping back and forth, “ Yes! Yes! Yes!”
First, Dad washes the dishes. Sue watches and really wants to help. So, she shakes Dad’s arm and asks,” Dad, Can I help? I wanna help as well.” Dad looks at her and looks back at the washing sink, sadly says,” I think it is hard for you to reach the sink, maybe you can watch me how to wash first. So, you can learn how to wash. Help me when you can reach the sink.”
Dishes were quickly washed clean and shiny.
Then, Dad looks around the living room. He suddenly found a big strain on their blue rug.
Dad talked with Sue,” Look at here, Baby!i think I know what to clean next! Could you help me to pull the machine out?” Sue stands at attention with a salute,” Yes, Dad!” But unfortunately the machine is too big to pull out. Sue’s tears fill in her eyes. She feels regret that she cannot help any. But, she tried her best to hold her tears and watches. Dad notices Sue’s upset. So, he asks Sue to help washes dirty windows again. This time she looks super calm. She knows the windows are too high to reach. So she just keep watching Dad.
By lunchtime, Dad is worn out from working. Sue is worn out from watching. Sue wonders,” What can I do? I should do something I can handle.” Then, she has a great idea. Sue whispers with Dad,” Dad, I have surprise for you. Come on with me!” Sue invites Dad to her room for lunch. Dad can just fit on Sue’s little pink chair. And Sue can reach everything. Absolutely, Sue’s lunch is more delicious than anything else. Dad said,” Thank you, sweetheart. It is the best best lunch ever. I love it so much.”
After lunch, Mom comes back home. She looks so tired. Sue gives Mom a BIG hug and shows mom the whole clean house. Smile get back to mom’s face again.
It is the best day to Dad, Mom and Sue together.

Sophia L
4 years ago

A Day With Dad
On Saturday,Sue’s Mom was in the meeting so Sue was spending the day with Dad.
She asked Dad, “What will we be doing today?” “Well, I have to clean everything before we have lunch.” So, when he was cleaning the dirty dishes, Sue asked him, “Can I help?” “Maybe later.”, he said. When he was vacuuming the blue rug,Sue said, “Can I try?” “Not now.”, he said. When he was washing the windows, Sue asked “Can I try?” “Maybe when you are taller.”, he said. Finally, Dad was worn out of working and Sue was worn out of watching.
After that, Sue invited Dad to come over to have lunch in her room.
“Thanks for inviting me, Sue.”, Dad said. At last they had a yummy lunch.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sophia L
Alastair Z
4 years ago

A Day with Dad
Today is Saturday.Sue’s mom has a meeting.So Sue and Dad will spend the day together.Sue wonders what they will do.Sue asked dad :can you play with me now?dad says: maybe after dinnertime.
First,Dad washes the dishes .Sue watches because she cannot reach.Then Dad cleans the blue rug.Sue watches because the machine is too big.After that,Dad washes dirty windows.Sue watches because the windows are too high.
By lunchtime,Dad is worn out from working.Sue is worn out from watching.What can Sue do?Then,she has a great idea.Sue invites Dad to her room for lunch.Dad can just fit on Sue’s little chair.And Sue can reach everything.It is the best lunch ever. After dinnertime.dad say :what do you want to do?Sue said:I want ride bike with you.then Sue has a fun day

Eric Y
4 years ago

A Day with Dad

Today is Saturday. Sue’s mom has a meeting. So, Sue and Dad will spend the day together. “What should we do?” Asked Sue. Dad said “we can do some cleaning.” 

Dad said “How about we wash the dishes first?” But Sue said “I can’t reach.” Then, dad said “we can clean the blue rug.” But Sue said “The vacuum is too big for me.” After that dad said “How about we clean the windows?” Sue said “Sure!” “Can I help?” Said Sue. Dad said “No, it’s not too high.”

By lunchtime, Dad is worn out from working. Sue is worn out from watching. What can Sue do, she has a great idea. Sue said “Do you want to come to my room?” Dad said “Sure.” “This chair fits me perfectly!” Said dad.  It was the best lunch ever!

Darren N
4 years ago

A Day with Dad

Today is Saturday Sue’s mom has a meeting so Sue and Dad will spend the day together “what will we do Dad?”asked Sue “I have work to do”said Dad “can I help?”asked Sue “yes” said Dad He hands a plate to Sue Sue try’s to reach the sink but
sue can not reach the sink she was very sad. Then Dad went to clean the blue rug “can I help?”asked Sue”yes you can”said Dad Sue try’s and try’s but she can not move the machine because it is too big. “I am going to wash the windows”said Dad “can I help” asked Sue “Ok” said Dad but Sue can not reach the windows because they were too high when it was Dad was very tired so Soe invites Dad to her room for lunch she can reach everything it is the best lunch lunch ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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