Writing Foundations Grades 1-2 Describing a character as if in a story

Describing a character as if in a story

We started doing this when we were in class. A lot of you had a GREAT start! Keep going and post your finished writing by commenting on this post.

Please remember that you need to describe the character as if in a story — imagine you are writing a story, describe the character in your story, blend your description of the character into your story (instead of describing what you see from a photo).

Below are the photos:

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Sophia L
4 years ago

Good day for Gerald
Gerald was a skinny boy 👦. He was wearing a white t-shirt, and blue jeans 👖. He carried his Chinese book. He had a big smile 😃 on his face when he saw his Mom. He said “ Mom, I finished the test!”

4 years ago

Layla sat tall as her teacher wrote a math problem on the chalkboard in front of her. Then her teacher said, “Can anyone tell me what the difference between 200 and 900 is?” Layla felt her hand shoot up into the air. She wanted to shout the answer.

“Yes, Layla, dear.”

Layla wanted to run up and write the answer, but she walked up to the chalkboard and looked at the board. She took the piece of chalk and write “700” on the board. “The difference between 200 and 900 is 700.” She said.

“Correct, Layla.” Said her teacher.

Layla felt very proud. She crossed her arms and smiled one huge smile. Her hair flipped up. It seemed to agree that Layla did very well! Her eyes looked very happy. Her ears sure did think she did awesome. But her smile was the happiest of all. She smiled a proud, confident smile! She stood proudly and then went back to her seat. She waited for her teacher to write down the next math problem.

Eric Y
4 years ago

Henry has a smile on his face and he is holding a Chinese book. He just finished school and he is happily going home.

Emma W
4 years ago

The teacher called out Resse she said can you solve this math questoin Resse ran to the white bord she ran so fast that a pice of her hair was poniting up and the teacher said,what is 6 times 5 Resse thoght and thoght and thohgt for a minit and she finilly said 6 times 5 eqels 30 the teacher said correct everyone clapped for Resse. Resse was proud of her self she was happy she cannot wait to tell her mom and dad and sister.

Alex L
4 years ago

Flowers for best friend
Cassidy is a five year old girl. She has blond hair and brown eyes. Her best friend is Caroline.
One day, Cassidy invited Caroline to go to the sunflower patch together. But she was out of town. Cassidy picked a lot of sunflowers. The flowers looked so beautiful. She was hugging the flowers tight. She was feeling very sad. She wished that Caroline was there.
As soon as Caroline came back home, she went to the sunflower patch. Cassidy was so happy that she gave all the flowers to Caroline. They walked home together.

Alastair Z
4 years ago

Lei li is happy,because School is over.He has a new book ,this year he will go to 1st grade. He ran back home to play with his mom and dad.

Raymo Z
4 years ago

George’s Great Day
He is a happy boy. He is at school. He wears white T-shirt and blue pants. He has super short hair, small head, two small eyes, and small ears. He has a book in his hand. He finish his test, and he got 100 points. He is excited to go home.

Raycee Z
4 years ago

All about Lily
One day there was a girl name Lily. She is six. She likes math. Math makes her smart. She wears a red shirt. She is happy because when her teacher let her do something, she does it right way. When the kids do the right thing, teacher will give them a sticker. Today is her birthday.

Evans X
4 years ago

There was a boy named Evan, he had no friends. Each day, he went to the school play ground no one wanted to play with him. Next he finished gym class. He was super sad but one day he went to the play ground he looked for a friend and he found one also with no friends too. Evan said what is your name and he said” my name is Ocean”. Ocean said “can I be your friend?” “yes” Evan said. Then Evan said “lets play!” “ok” Ocean said. Evan said “First lets go on the slide”,”ok” said Ocean then they went to the slides, and swings ,and they played on the monkey bars.Then,they both were smiling. Then they made jokes like knock knock jokes. Evan and Ocean were both laughing. then the school bell rang. Then they went back home happily.

Helen G
4 years ago

Standing in the flower with beautiful blond hair, wearing a flowery dress. Having a pair of sad grey eyes, her light peach colored skin is so beautiful. The flowers in her hands are nice just like an angel!

Ella L
4 years ago

Katelyn is a girl with black curly hair. She is always smiling. And she loves to play with friends.
One morning, Katelyn felt sick after she got up. She told her mom and mommy found she had a fever. She is so sad, because she cannot go play outside with her friends.
Mommy asked Katelyn to lay in bed and have a rest.
The next day, After she waked up, she ran to her mommy asked,”Mommy, I felt better. Can I go play outside with Lily?” Mommy tested her temperature again, and replied, “Yes!” So, Katelyn picked her favorite purple sequins T-shirt and went to find Lily to play.
After all, the best medicine for Katelyn is playing with her friends. Katelyn has her smile on her face again.

Darren N
4 years ago

Isabel was moving to a new city. She was very sad. She went to a place were there a lot of sunflowers she picked some to cheer herself up. When she went home she was still very very sad.
The next day she had to go to the new city on train. It was a long ride. When they arrived at the new city many things were different. She was still sad. There were a lot of people and very tall buildings. They got a new house. It had 3 floors. There were a lot of furnitures to be moved in. It took 2 days. On the first day of school she was very nervous. Her mom told her that it wold be fine. She did not know if that was true. After school if was fine but she was still a little sad. But as the days went by she started to like it.

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