Writing Foundations Grades 1-2 Adding more to “A Place I visited”

Adding more to “A Place I visited”

Be more descriptive! Here’s how:

  1. Please have your parents copy & paste your “A Place I visited” into Microsoft Word, use 16 point font, have it double or 2.5 spaced, and print it out.
  2. Find at least three sentences that you would like to add more.
  3. Add more descriptive words to these sentences. You can add a word (an adjective), a phrase (a few describing words), or even a sentence to describe the color, sound, feel, taste, or smell. For example, I smell the sea –> I smell the salty sea.

After you are done. Have your parents take a photo of your work and submit as a comment to this post. By the setting of this software, you have to type something into the comment box to be able to submit (not just the picture); you could just type in “Here’s my revision.”

If your photo is too large, please either have your parents shrink the size (open with meitu/美图 and save a copy, the size of the copy is much smaller), or email me the picture so that I could shrink and post for you.

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4 years ago

This is my first revision.

Selene added more.jpg
Last edited 4 years ago by Yue-Yue
Alex L
4 years ago

Here is my revision on A Place I visited.

Raycee Z
4 years ago

Place I visited

Raycee Z
4 years ago

Place I visited revised

Raymo Z
4 years ago

Place I visited

Evans X
4 years ago

Please see my revision.

Evans revision of place visited.jpg
Darren N
4 years ago

This is my first revision:

A trip to the beach.
It took 3 day’s to get to china but there was a lot of delicious food and water on the plane.
One day we rented a car and went on a very long across sea bridge. and went to an green island. At the island there was a big and long beach. The water was a little cold but the sand was hot and soft. I played in the sand and one time I fell head first into the soft sand. We went seashell picking. There a lot of seashells. I liked hearing the waves at the beach. The sea was very big and very blue.
I ate seaweed I liked it. And we went a store I saw live fish, a fish that looked like a stone, some sea snakes and lobsters . Then we had lunch that was almost all seafood I liked the crunchy sea weed the best.

it was fun . I loved it. I was a little sad when I left. I miss the beach in china. because it makes me feel happy.

Sophia L
4 years ago

This is the edited version

Sophia L
4 years ago

This is the edited version of my writing.

Letian Y
4 years ago

This is my revision.

Darren N
4 years ago

first revision

Ella L
4 years ago

The Great Wall of China

Ella L
4 years ago

The Great Wall of China-P2

Darren N
4 years ago

first revision https://imgur.com/LSlugBX

Alastair Z
4 years ago

There is no ink box at home. just write by hand.


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