Writing Foundations Grades 1-2 Non-fiction: Write about an animal

Non-fiction: Write about an animal

White a short essay about the animal that you chose.

Make sure that you include both facts and opinions about this animal.

Make sure that your mini-essay has at least 3 paragraphs:

1.An intro (like the beginning of a story) : Your intro needs to introduce what the animal is, share one (or two) opinion(s) about this animal, and be general without specific details.

2.Body (middle): Use your facts to support your opinion of this animal. If your opnion is “this animal is so interesting,” your facts should NOT talk about it being boring. Instead, you need to present interesting facts about this animal.

3.A conclusion (like the ending of a story): Your conclusion should sum up the facts with a few characteristics of this animal as an opinion.

Please post your mini essay by commenting here.

First graders can write a long paragraph with the first sentence serving as an intro and the last sentence serving as a conclusion.

Second graders need to write a 3 paragraph essay as instructed.

For additional reading on “butterfly” that we read in class, please go to: https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/animals/butterfly

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Eric Y
Eric Y
3 years ago

The cockatiel is the most friendly and the most beautiful pet. A cockatiel can hiss just like a cat! Like many birds you see outside, cockatiels can eat toast crumbs and cooked rice. Cockatiels have orange patches under their eyes, and little do you know that under those patches are actually their ears! Cockatiels have feathers on their head that can represent their feelings. For example, when a cockatiel are raised really high and the cockatiel’s body is really skinny, it means that they are scared. If a cockatiel is angry enough, they might bite or hiss at you in defense. Only male cockatiels can sing more than one song. Female cockatiels can only adapt to one song and sign it over and over again. The older they grow the more colorful males head’s get, the female’s head color gets darker as they grow. The bigger cockatiels start to look similar to cockatoo’s, another bird possessing the similar traits of a cockatiel. Not only that but, the cockatiel is part of the bird family. Cockatiels are wonderful and interesting birds and would make great pets!

Letian Y
3 years ago

Cats are the Best Pet

I like cats. We have a cat, and I think our cat is a good pet.
Cats have fur. When we touch cats, they feel soft and relaxing. Cats are good company. They are easy to take care of. We do not need to walk cats every day.
I think cats are the best pet.

Alex L
3 years ago

Today, I’m going to teach you about raccoons. They can be sneaky, smart, and very cool animals.

Raccoons are nocturnal. They have to be sneaky, so they wont get caught when predators are around. They are smart because raccoons are able to remember solutions to tasks for at least three years. They can stand on their back legs. That’s pretty cool because it looks like that they are dancing.

In conclusion, I think they are very smart, but I don’t think raccoons are good pets because they can eat all your food!

Helen G
3 years ago

Sperm whales are amazing animals, they should be allowed in some zoos.

Some sea creatures are blue blooded but the sperm whales is red blooded. Sperm whales are huge, their head only is 20 feet long! Unlike fish sperm whales are mammals. A sperm whale is very smart it has a brain the size of your house! (unless of course you live in a apartment.) You might think it’s eyes will be big, but no a sperm whale’s eyes is only 2 inches big. They don’t have upper teeth! Their bottom teeth fit in the holes at the top! Oh and did I mention they have 40-50 teeth in all? They can go up to 25 miles per hour. (the sperm whale that is not the teeth that would be weird if it was the teeth.) they can also dive half a mile in a few seconds! they find there food with sound!

Sperm whales are the coolest animal ever.

Last edited 3 years ago by Helen G
Sophia L
3 years ago

Raccoons are interesting to learn about. You can learn more about raccoons when you read the facts.
Raccoons have unique eyes. They are tiny and black. I think they are cute. They are nocturnal, which means they can see in the dark just like us! Their eyes help them find food and trash cans at night. When they find it, they dig in it making a mess. That’s why people don’t like them near their homes. Raccoons can communicate with sound. Raccoons live in many places in North America. They can be seen everywhere. Little did people know they have sensitive paws which only get more sensitive if they put them in water. Car crashes can kill many raccoons. Not much animals attack them but cougars, bobcats, coyotes, and people attacked them that’s why it is very dangerous in there and environment.
Raccoons are cool animals. They may not be a pet but they are interesting to learn about.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sophia L
Raycee Z
3 years ago

All About Horse

I like horse. Horse are awesome animal. I will be telling all I know about horse.

Horse have different colors, most horse are brown, black, and white. Horse have hair, their hair are long and black. Farm horse live in the farm. Horse eat grass, grass is one of their favorite food to eat. Most animal have four legs, horse have four legs. They can run really fast, and jump really high.

Horse are smart and nice animals. I would like to ride a horse.

Raymo Z
3 years ago


I like sharks. I Sharks are kind animal.

Shark have teeth like triangle. Sharks live under water. Sharks are fish. They can smell really good under water. They smell to get their food like fish. Sharks never a sleep. Even you think they are asleep, they are not. Sharks can swim really fast, they can swim up to 8 Kilometer per hour. Shark can live up to 20 to 30 years old. Sharks are cold blooded, even their blood is red.

Sharks are cool animals, but I would not get too close to them.

Darren N
3 years ago
Reply to  Raymo Z

Me to!

Emma W
3 years ago

pigs are hairy and cute animals.
pigs could be pink black or both colors together did you know pigs can open the farms gate they are smart, smarter then dogs.pigs can’t see very well. if pigs get hot they cool down by rolling in mud . they only snout a little . little baby pigs are called piglets,mommy pigs are called a Sow, a daddy pigs are called a Boar.Pigs live with a mommy for 4 monthes.I would want a pet pig

Darren N
3 years ago

Penguins are the interesting animals.

A penguin is a bird that cannot fly, but it can swim! They are very good swimmers, In fact most penguins can swim very fast. usually we think most penguins live in cold climates, But believe it or not, 14 species of penguins live in temperate, or warm, climates. Only four species are cold. They spend most of their life under water. Mother penguin lays eggs,t the parents take turns to sit and watch over the eggs, After about four weeks baby penguins start to hatch from the eggs. They eat fish, krill,shrimp, and squid. The colors that they come in are yellow, black, and white.

Penguins are very cool animals!

3 years ago

I like hamsters,hamsters are the best pet.Hamsters are so interesting hamsters can run in weyels and feyel soft.Hamsters look cute thay have small eyes.

Evans X
3 years ago

Here is my essay.

3 years ago

Fun Facts about Horses

Horses are very cool animals. Many people love horses, but some people do not know how unique horses are. Here you will find all of the unique fun facts about horses.

Can you sleep both lying down and standing up? Horses can! Most horses sleep standing up. Some people believe if horses sleep lying down, they are sick. Humans definitely can’t run just after they are born. But guess what? Horses can run just after they are born! Being able to run at birth is already unique. Wait, there’s more. Horse eyes are very unique. They have the biggest eyes of all mammals. Seeing things behind you without turning your head? Horses can! They can see things behind them without turning their head. Horses have 205 hones in their skeleton! With that many hones, they can run fast.

There is a very special horse. His name is Old Billy. Can you guess what is special about him? Old Billy lived a very long time for a horse. Usually horses live about 25 years, but this horse lived 62 years!

Horses are cool and unique animals. They have been our friends for hundreds of years. We should be kind to horses.

Ella L
3 years ago

All about bunnies
Bunnies are beautiful and cute animals.
Bunnies are small and furry mammals.
Bunnies have long ears, big round watery eyes, buttoned two pairs sharp front teeth, which make them look very sweet and meek. Bunnies have little tail like bun, that’s maybe where they get their name from. Bunnies have soft fur. So they can huddle up like a fluffy ball. Bunnies move by hopping up and down, just like they are always dancing happily.
Bunnies are the most pretty and adorable animal in the world.

Alastair Z
3 years ago

All about dogs
I love dogs.Dogs are good pets, they need exercise, you must with them go outside walk every day, dogs have own beds, dogs can play with us, dogs need to go to a vets also dogs need to go to school ,dogs can look at the house.dogs voice are loud but they’re very nice for the owner of the dog.I very want my parents buy a dog for me.

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